At Carter’s Pet Mart, we take pride in providing quality products and a knowledgeable staff to help you find the best food, treats, toys, and supplies for your pets.
Our professional groomers will have your pet clean, trimmed, and healthy in no time! Grooming services include: Bathing Trimming Teeth Cleaning Flea & Tick Treatments Ear Cleaning All cuts & styles.
Keep your pets up to date on their vaccinations every Sunday! Carter’s hosts Veterinarians to make it easier & more affordable than ever! SUNDAYS 1:00-2:30 PM
Every weekend, we play host to furry friends needing homes! The local humane society -- the only nonprofit, no-kill shelter in the San Joaquin. SATURDAYS 11:00-4:00 PM
The best food starts on the family farm
A time-tested family recipe
Recklessly crunchy dog treats
Gourmet dog food & treats
A holistic approach to complete nutrition
Help maintain gut regularity
Complete and balanced pâté recipes
Soft & Savory Treats for Dogs
Gourmet cat food
A holistic approach to complete nutrition
The Purrrrrfect Way to Treat Your Cat