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An American entrepreneur, chef, television personality, and author. In her role as lifestyle coach and guru, she has gained a following of millions who love her seemingly effortless ability to entertain, dine, and delight guests and family alike at her sprawling and welcoming country home.

Maggie 's Recipes

Maggie’s Turkey Roll Roast

A hearty blend of Turkey, Duck and Sweet Potato Pâté rolled with a layer of crispy, baked game bird crumbles, sliced thick and capped with a floret of savory, sweet pumpkin cranberry Crunchy Os on a bed of pure pumpkin mousse.
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Turkey Festi Balls

A seasonal blend of family favorite chicken and pumpkin pâté mixed with crumbled golden-baked game bird nuggets, rolled into bite sized rounds, then crusted with extra baked crumbles and surrounded by a delicate crescent of tender, savory Chick-a-Rollies.
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Crowned Turkey Rounds with Vegetables

A robust, pressed turkey and vegetable cutlet of gently-cooked Bonnihill Farms TurkiBowls, atop a nest of golden-baked game bird nuggets, and accented with a flourish of blueberry Crunchy Os.
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Salmon Barkundy Canapes

Ribbons of thinly spread beef stew over crispy, pressed rounds of finely crushed surf & turf morsels, top-garnished with carrot and an ear-shattering smattering of salmon Crunchy Os.
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Chicken Salmontinis

Hoist a glass to the hostess! A mounded, rich swirl of creamy salmon and chicken pâté capped with robust, baked surf & turf morsels, then sprinkled with a generous spoonful of soft, tender Beef-a-Rollies. For added delight, garnish with a slice of roasted sweet potato and a fresh sprig of thyme.
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Ranch ‘n Reel Tapas

Time to take it up, up, up a level with gently cooked Bonnihill Farms BeefiBowls – formed into a tall pedestal of deliciousness, then layered with surf & turf morsels, another layer of beef and vegetable, and capped with a balcony of bacon Crunchy Os.
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